For the third time, the World and Theatre Magazine in cooperation with their partners asked the leading European playwrights to write a short political play.
The motto of this year’s Ferdinand Vaněk Award – “playing politics” - wants to emphasise our present times, when we feel that real politics loses its true meaning and one-dimensionality, various phobias and disrespect to the facts are on the rise. We also feel as if some politicians only considered politics to be a mere platform for their own “plays and games” and that politics is no more about a clash of ideas, but only of self-important egos. When approaching the authors, we stress that we understand “politics” in its widest possible meaning, i.e. – as everything affecting the polis, or society.
As in previous years, the winner of Ferdinand Vaněk Award 2017 will be chosen by an international jury and all the texts will be published in Czech translation as a special issue of our magazine.
The awarding ceremony will be held on 26 November 2017 at Divadlo v Celetné in Prague. The texts will be also presented in Warsaw, Budapest, Bratislava and Brno.