Csaba Székely
A playwright born in 1981 in Târgu Mureș, Romania.
His first play Do You Like Banana, Comrades? won the regional prize for Europe at the BBC’s International Radio Playwriting Competition in 2009. It has also been chosen Play of the Week by the BBC. A few years later, in 2013, it won the Society of Authors’ Richard Imison Award.
He has since written a trilogy about country life in Transylvania - their titles are Mineflowers (Bányavirág), Mineblindness (Bányavakság) and Minewater (Bányavíz) -, examining issues such as unemployment, alcoholism, nationalism, corruption and high rates of suicide among Hungarian population in Transylvania. The trilogy has been published in a volume by the Hungarian publishing house Magvető under the title Minelands (Bányavidék). These three plays have been produced in Hungarian, Romanian and Slovakian theatres.
He has written a historical comedy called Michael the Brave (Vitéz Mihály) about the rise and fall of a medieval Romanian national hero. This play won the 1st prize at Hungary’s Weöres Sándor Theatre’s playwriting competition and it has been produced by the same theatre.
He has also written two musicals: Sure, Honey! (Hogyne, drágám!), produced by the National Theatre of Târgu Mureș, Romania) and Passio XXI, a contemporary take on Jesus’ last days, which was directed by Robert Alföldi at Budapest Sports Arena.
The World and Theatre Magazine published his play Doors are Closing (1/2016). With his texts Mary-go-around and They Are Animals he competed in both previous years of the Ferdinand Vaněk Award, and won in 2015. He is one of the scriptwriters for the 3rd season of HBO Hungary’s show In Treatment (Terápia).