Przemysław Pilarski
Born in 1979, a playwright and screenwriter. Previously worked as a journalist, editor, literary critic, and stand-up performer. Graduate of Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Polish philology), Warsaw Film School (screenwriting) and Laboratorium Nowych Praktyk Teatralnych (The Laboratory of New Theatre Practices), Warsaw. Member of Polish Filmmakers Association. His first play Daddy Hangs himself in the Forest (Tata wiesza się w lesie) won 1. Prize in 1. Nationwide Contemporary Play Competition Słowo/Aktor/Spotkanie. His next play Reality show(s). The Frightening Cabaret (Reality show/s/. Kabaret o rzeczach strasznych), won 9. Nationwide Competition Metafory Rzeczywistości and received there Polish Theatre Critics Award. His plays were performed at Teatr Studio, Warsaw, Teatr Słowackiego, Krakow, Strefa Wolnosłowa/Teatr Powszechny, Warsaw, Divadlo na pude, Praha, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin, and others. He is also author of many screenplays for television, short movies and stand-up performances. Co-author of several books. Grew up in Kwasówka, village in Eastern Poland. Lives in Warsaw.